Techvibes Highlights McDonough Sage Summit Panel Discussion

Sage Summit 2015 featured panel discussion entitled “Stay hungry. Stay foolish,”that included William McDonough, Bre Pettis, and Dolly Singh. The three shared their experiences in innovation from their respective industries.  Jacob Serebrin of Techvibes, highlighted a few of the key takeaways from the discussion.  Read the full story on

One key point that McDonough spoke to during the panel, was how thinking about things differently, can turn negatives into positives. McDonough developed a solution for  a motorcycle factory in India, that was required to replenish its groundwater usage.  He was able to utilize the plant’s power system to capture six million gallons of water from the air.  This innovative idea saved time, money, and of created 300 new jobs at the factory. By thinking outside the box, McDonough was able to give this business tools needed to be successful for the long term.

Watch the panel discussion “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” on the Sage Summit 2015 website.

Sage Summit 2015